Nuclear Power Plant news pg. 5


Electricity production from biomass in CEZ Group has increased by 37.8 % to almost 68 GWh compared to the previous year

CEZ Group significantly increased electricity production from co-burning of biomass in the first quarter of this year. Total production reached 67,561 MWh and represented a year-on-year increase of 37.8 %. Total weight of the used biomass exceeded 74 thousand tonnes (a year-on-year increase of 41.6 %).

4. 5. 2007


Agreement between CEZ and Russian RAO JES group signed

Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of CEZ Martin Roman, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Russian RAO JES Anatolij Cubajs and CEO of TGK-4 Gennadij Kocetkov signed protocol on company´s intention to cooperate on energy industry reform in Russia.

27. 4. 2007


The proposed amount of CEZ´s dividend: 20 CZK

Yesterday´s meeting of CEZ Power Company´s Board of Directors decided on the proposal for the amount of a dividend from the last year´s profit (non-consolidated), which is going to be submitted to the general meeting on 23 April 2007. The Board is going to propose a gross dividend in the amount of 20 CZK per share (nominal value 100 CZK).

17. 4. 2007


CEZ has become the only owner of Teplarenska, a.s.

Yesterday CEZ Power Group became 100 % owner of Teplarenska, a.s. Agreement on that intention was presented in May last year.

6. 4. 2007