Nuclear Power Plant news pg. 2507

JE Temelin traffic

Information on NPP Temelín 175 / 2006

Unit 1 is in operation at planned power level. At Unit 2, a planned outage is under way, that is connected with the annual refueling of ¼ of the reactor fuel. All auxiliary systems are working in accordance with the operation needs of individual units.

6. 9. 2006


Today ČEZ has set the final volume and structure of offers from the recent wholesale electricity auction for 2007

Due to an enormous demand CEZ will produce record electricity quantum next year and will not export to Germany and Austria Despite actions taken, CEZ had to partly reduce the demand for seasonal products (many times higher than in the previous years), because it exceeded its production possibilities.

5. 9. 2006

JE Temelin traffic

Information on NPP Temelín 174 / 2006

Unit 1 is in operation at planned power level. At Unit 2, a planned outage is under way, that is connected with the annual refueling of ¼ of the reactor fuel. All auxiliary systems are working in accordance with the operation needs of individual units.

5. 9. 2006

JE Dukovany traffic

Information on Dukovany NPP, September 4th 2006

Units 1,2,3,4 are operated at full rated power. All auxiliary systems are working in accordance with operational needs of units. Electricity production since the beginning of operation: 261 559 371 MWh.

4. 9. 2006