14. 10. 2013

CEZ Bulgaria received an International Business Stevie Award for being an Investor in Human Capital

On October 14 2013, during an official ceremony in Barcelona, Spain, CEZ Bulgaria EAD was awarded with a Silver Stevie Award in the ‘Human Resources’ category.

photo-small The award is recognition for the exceptional achievements of the company on a world-wide scale. The trophy was presented personally to Mr. Petr Dokladal, Regional Manager for CEZ in Bulgaria and Mrs. Vania Kaneva, Human Resources Director of CEZ Bulgaria EAD.

‘The companies part of CEZ Group in Bulgaria are one of the biggest employers in the country. We have more than 3800 people employed in Western Bulgaria and Varna. It is of a great importance for us, our managers and employees to work in an excellent environment, to feel valued, to keep and develop further their loyalty to the responsibilities and values of the company. Our social program ensures a variety of benefits for the employees of the different companies, which make easier and enrich their life outside the workplace. Our colleagues undergo professional qualifications and additional trainings, which make them able to implement their professional abilities in the most effective way, in order to have satisfaction from work and even better services for our clients’ said Mr. Pert Dokladal.

The Award is a valuable international recognition for the professionalism and efforts of the Human Resources Department, for a very well developed management and development strategies of the managers and employees of the company.

For 2013, there were 250 judges – leaders of multinational organizations, who evaluated over 3300 applications, coming from more than 50 countries.