11. 3. 2003

CEZ daughter company is trading on the German energy exchange market

The firm rpg Energiehandel GmbH, a fully owned (100%) daughter company of CEZ, began quoting its shares on the German energy exchange market EEX, whose member it is. CEZ thus became the first Eastern European company to be allowed to trade on the German exchange market.


The rpg Energiehandel GmbH business company does not do business only through the exchange market, but also deals directly with end customers in Germany.

The company completely fulfils our expectations and intentions with which we were establishing it. Direct trading on the German exchange market enables us to sell electricity for higher prices. In January and February, the daughter company sold electricity for approx. 20% more than CEZ itself would have through its monthly exports from Prague, said Ladislav Kriz, CEZ Press Officer.


Ladislav Kriz, CEZ Press Officer