2. 12. 2003

CEZ Group is the largest producer of electricity generated by small hydropower plants

The combined installed capacity of all small hydroelectric power plants operated by the CEZ Group amounts to 59.7 MW (0.5 % of the total installed capacity of the CEZ Group). This means that the CEZ Group is the largest producer of electricity generated by small hydropower plants in the Czech Republic.

This year, the CEZ Group considerably reinforced its portfolio of renewable energy sources, especially small hydropower plants (SHP). After the merger between CEZ and five regional power utilities (SME, ZCE, STE, VCE, SCE), the number of small hydropower plants operated by the entire CEZ Group increased to 24. The title "small hydropower plant? applies to plants whose installed capacity does not exceed 10 MW. By incorporating the regional utilities, the CEZ Group acquired 9 SHPs, five of which are operated by Vychodoceska energetika (East Bohemian power company) and the other four by Zapadoceska energetika (West Bohemian power company). The parent company of the Group - CEZ - is currently operating 7 SHPs. Another 8 SHPs are operated by its daughter company, HYDROCEZ. All SHPs operated by the CEZ Group generated a total of 180.4 GWh last year, which equals the annual consumption of 60 thousand households. However, their production output was reduced by floods. This year’s production of electricity by SHPs was affected by droughts.

Within the framework of the gradual renewal of small hydropower plants, the CEZ Group is planning investment programmes, whose implementation will further increase electricity production output generated by small hydropower plants. For example

HYDROCEZ focuses mainly on revitalising units built between 1920 and 1940, which account for half of its facilities. The revitalisation system is one of the most cost-effective ways of boosting electricity output in SHPs. Similar revitalisation programmes of SHPs are currently being prepared by VCE and ZCE. 

CEZ itself also owns 9 hydropower plants whose capacity exceeds10 MW and which are also classified as renewable energy sources in the EU countries. The portfolio of CEZ Group hydropower sources was also supplemented by the Strekov power plant (Usti nad Labem), with a capacity of 19.5 MW, which is operated by Severoceska energetika. The total installed capacity of hydroelectric power plants operated by the CEZ Group totals 1 930 MW, which is more than 16 per cent of the overall installed capacity of the CEZ Group.

Ladislav Kriz, CEZ Press Officer.