11. 10. 2007

CEZ Group´s agency in Brussels moved to a new domicile after 8 years

CEZ Group´s representative office will operate at the common location of Czech firms, offices and institutions in so called Czech House in Brussels, Rue du Trône 60.

„The common domicile will strengthen mutual cooperation of Czech firms and institutions, make their communication more effective and facilitate presentation of Czech interests in Brussels,“ said Alan Svoboda, CEZ´s Chief Sales Officer.

„Our trade agency in Brussels has contributed significantly to the quality preparation of CEZ for the membership of the Czech Republic in the EU and in the present „energetically extreme“ time it is absolutely necessary, in terms of strengthening our communication with EU organs, for the preparation of new legislation and for formulation of EU energy policy. Energy questions are one of the EU priorities today and, in this regard, our company is one of the important participants in the communitary events in the energy sector, added Alan Svoboda.

CEZ Power Company was the first Czech firm to open an agency in Brussels in 1999. Its establishment stemmed from the needs of the company to communicate with EU organs in the area of energy and especially from the need to prepare the firm for the entry of the Czech Republicinto the EU. For CEZ, the preparation for EU membership was a big challenge and, at the same time, an opportunity to use the new reality for further development of the company. At present, the trade agency of CEZ in Brussels is an active part of the whole structure of energy and enterprise institutions participating directly in the creation of EU energy policy.

At today´s ceremonial opening of Czech House in Brussels, CEZ Group presents its main lines of business, i. e. electricity and heat production, distribution and trade, and further the principal spheres of activities of its trade agency in the context of the preparations for Czech EU presidency in the first half of 2009. The main activites of the agency in Brusselsundoubtedly include presentation of CEZ´s attitude towards up-to-date subjects discussed in EU institutions. They are primarily communication with relevant EU institutions – European Commission (DG Energy and Transport, DG Competition and DG Environment), the European Parliament, relevant sector associations based in Brussels – Eurelectric or Foratom; think-tanks (CEPS) and also with the Czech state administration – the Czech Permanent Representation to EU, whose delegates represent the Czech Republic the Council of the EU.