2. 7. 2012

ČEZ Has Received Bids for the Public Contract for Completing the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant

Today, on Monday, July 2, was the deadline for submitting bids for completing the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. Three qualified bidders have submitted their bids by today’s deadline for the biggest contract in the history of ČEZ and the entire Czech Republic – Areva, a consortium of the Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC and WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC ČR, and a consortium of ŠKODA JS, Atomstroyexport, and Gidropress. Tomorrow, the envelopes with their bids will be opened in their presence.

“The completion of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant is a key pillar of ČEZ’ strategy; therefore, we are happy to have received three bids from major global vendors of nuclear technologies,” said Daniel Beneš, ČEZ Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors.

ČEZ announced the public contract on August 3, 2009. Interested parties had a chance to qualify until the spring of 2010, and the company then held discussions with them until October 2011. During the discussions the two parties discussed all aspects of the public contract in question. The outcomes of the discussions were then also reflected in the extensive tender documentation.

The tender documentation specifies the company’s requirements for the scope of the public contract, i.e., the supply of two complete nuclear power station units on a turn-key basis, including sets of fuel rods for nine years of operation. It also specifies commercial and technical conditions as well as methods that will be used to evaluate the bids.

“The plans and design documentation submitted by all bidders must comply with the legislative requirements of the Czech Republic and European Union as well as the security requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the West European Nuclear Regulators’ Association (WENRA). The plans and technologies offered by the bidders must also be licensed in the countries of origin or in one of the EU Member States. When all these requirements have been fulfilled, the vendor is likely to receive all licenses required in the Czech Republic,” Daniel Beneš added.

The parties that have qualified had eight months to prepare their bids in accordance with the tender documentation. After opening the envelopes, ČEZ is going to examine, evaluate, and discuss the bids with the bidders to achieve their optimization. The contract is expected to be awarded and the purchase contract signed in late 2013.

“We have today taken another major step toward securing a reliable supply of power to our Czech clients for decades to come. I can assure everyone that we are going to examine and analyze the bids very thoroughly,” Daniel Beneš added.