11. 7. 2008

CEZ is asking the Ministry of the Environment to assess the environmental impacts of potential completion of Temelin

CEZ wants to facilitate complex environmental impact assessment of a proposed completion of the Temelin Nuclear Power Plant, and therefore has today asked the Ministry of the Environment to carry out the EIA.

The purpose of the EIA process is to identify, describe and evaluate in a complex way anticipated environmental effects and effects on public health of prepared projects and concepts in all critical contexts. The EIA process always precedes approvals of the projects and commencement of their realization.

The EIA process is controlled by the Ministry of the Environment. CEZ is prepared to give the Ministry of the Environment all information which will be needed for the environmental impact assessment of the potential completion of Temelin. In the case of large projects, the EIA process usually takes several years to be carried out.

“The conclusions of Paces´s committee confirmed our prognosis that even the Czech Republic will have to start facing the lack of electricity after 2015. We plan savings and also renewable resource development; however, there is still no other non-emission resource that could generate the necessary volume of electricity. We consider nuclear energy to be the best possible solution in terms of economy and ecology as well. As a result we are considering a possibility to complete another two of the originally designed units in Temelin and the EIA is one of the steps in the process of data collection,” gave reasons for the request for EIA Martin Roman, CEO of CEZ.

CEZ understands the submission of the request for EIA as a technical step outside political decision making. We assume that the political representation will be able to use the complex environmental impact assessment of the plant as one of the sources for their own decision making in the future.