7. 4. 2006

CEZ is building a team for a new trading area with environmental products

Martin Cmiral is filling the position of the Environmental Products Manager. He is coming into CEZ from the management of Vertis, a company which has become the most successful consulting firm in the area of CO2 allowances trading and in the area of Kyoto mechanisms in Central Europe.

Martin Cmiral will be called to establish strategies and mechanisms in the area of emission trading, to seek investment projects on saving greenhouse gas emissions not only within CEZ Group, but also out of it.

The role of the area of environmental products will be increasing in the future. However, it is the system of CO2 allowances trading that will enable CEZ to optimize the volume of sales and electricity generation, including its purchase. Moreover, CEZ concluded contracts with the largest European allowances traders, is trading on the Amsterdam exchange ECX, and offers this know-how also to its business partners. That is the reason why we are building a professional team of the most prominent experts working on the market in Central Europe, said to that Alan Svoboda, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and sales director of CEZ.

Martin Cmiral graduated from geochemistry at the Faculty of Science at Charles University. He gained his Doctor of Science title at the Australian National University. He holds the Certificate in Finance of the US Business School in Prague. He has been applying himself to work in the area of living environment in the long term.

Before becoming the executive director of Vertis, he had managed BTG Central Europe s.r.o., a subsidiary of a Dutch consulting company specializing in renewable resources, between the years 2000-2003. During his studies in the Australian Canberra, he was managing a project on prototype production of synthetic diamonds at Diamond Composite Pty. Ltd., and was engaged in the basic research in the area of geological materials at Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU.

Martin Cmiral is married and has two children. His hobbies include outdoor sports.

Ladislav Kriz, Press Officer, CEZ, a.s.