15. 12. 2004

CEZ is going to offer a purchase of Skoda Praha´s shares

The Power Company is going to offer the purchase of the shares to minority stockholders of Skoda Praha. The concrete offer will probably be released by the end of January 2005.

CEZ Company, a. s., in accordance with the provision § 183e, Section 3 of Act 513/1991 Sb, the Commercial Code, as amended, informs that its respective organs have adopted a decision about an intention to make  an unconditional and unlimited bid for a take-over, pursuant to § 183a and under the conditions of § 183b, Section 15 of the Commercial Code, to all participant´s shares, which are primary bearer shares issued by SKODA PRAHA a.s., based in Prague 6, Milady Horakove No. 109/116, Postcode: 160 41, ID: 00128201. CEZ Power Company became the majority owner of Skoda Praha in January this year, when its share in Skoda Praha increased from original 29.8 % to 68.88 %. The share of FNM CR (National Property Fund) decreased from 54.77 % to 24.28 %. That was a result of the settlement agreement between CEZ and Skoda Praha, which was signed in June last year.

Ladislav Kriz, Press Officer, CEZ, a. s.