18. 10. 2004

CEZ Power Company has submitted a bid for Romanian distributional firms

CEZ Power Company has today submitted final price bids for two privatized Romanian distributional firms ? Moldova and Ostenia.

This year, CEZ Power Company has already succeeded in the privatization of three distributional firms in neighbouring Bulgaria. It was the biggest foreign investment of a Czech firm - in the amount of 281.5 million EUR (nearly 9 billion CZK) - in the history of the country. The Bulgarian market entry was the first step towards the fulfilment of the strategic plan of the CEZ Group to become the leader of the Central and East European power market. The interest in the Romanian distributional firms is another logical step taken in the south-eastern Europe territory.


Oltenia serves c. 1.36 million customers

The Total annual electricity output supplied by this company represents c. 6.8 TWh.


Moldova serves c. 1.31 million customers

The Total annual electricity output supplied by this company represents c. 4.1 TWh.


CEZ Power Group has now, after the acquisition of the 3 Bulgarian distributional firms, 5.3 million customers (3.4 million of them in the Czech Republic).

Ladislav Kriz, Press Officer, CEZ, a.s.