3. 9. 2004

CEZ Power Company has submitted an adapted bid for Slovenske elektrarne

CEZ Power Company has today sent the Slovak National Property Fund an adapted bid for purchase of a 66 % share in Slovenske elektrarne, a. s. in accordance with requirements of the Slovak Government.

"We still consider our offer very favourable for the entire Slovak power industry in many respects. The Slovak and Czech power industry were developing as one whole for several decades. SE and CEZ can now continue this fact and significantly strengthen their position within the Central-European region. We have an opportunity to create a strong grouping in the power industry of the former Eastern bloc, which will be a worthy counterbalance to other European power groups of companies," said Martin Roman at this occasion, CEO and Chairman of the Board of CEZ.. CEZ is really interested in long-term operation of the Slovak nuclear plants. Both Slovak nuclear power plants are based on the same technology as the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant. On this account there is possible synergy, that lead to ensuring/provision of a long-term operation of all of these nuclear power plants. Not least, it supports more effectively nuclear power industry, which can be operated efficiently only within a portfolio with other energy sources and within a strong grouping.

Ladislav Kriz, Press Officer, CEZ, a. s.