9. 9. 2005

CEZ Power Company has today submitted another bid for Kozienice power plant

CEZ continues the privatization tender by submitting another bid for the Polish coal-fired power plant Kozienice. CEZ Power Company first bid for a fully 10 % share at the end of this year´s April, and consequently it has been included in the short list of six parties concerned.

The Polish government will determine follow-up course of action in the privatization process of Kozienice plant on the basis of the submitted bids.

CEZ Power Company has already succeeded in the acquisitions in South-Eastern Europe, where we already own Bulgarian and Romanian distribution firms. Poland, namely, is our strategic act in Central-European region on the way to our goal to become the leader of the power market in Central and South-Eastern Europe. The vicinity to Poland leads to mutual acquaintance of the power industries, which is very important for a possible future partnership, said Martin Roman, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Kozienice is one of the largest coal-fired plants in Europe. It is a modernized plant with the installed capacity of 2880 MW.

During its expansion, CEZ Power Company has already successfully taken over three distribution firms in Bulgaria and at the beginning of April signed and agreement about privatization of the Oltenia distribution company in Romania. By these acquisitions CEZ has almost doubled the number of its end customers to the total 6.6 million and came up to the eighth place among the European power companies by this criterion.

Eva Novakova, Press Officer, CEZ, a.s.