29. 7. 2009

CEZ secured the exclusive right to build the Profen coal-fired power plant in Germany

The Czech power company ČEZ agreed with the J&T Group on acquisition of the exclusive rights to a construction project for a new power plant in Profen location, which both the partners acquired (CEZ through Severočeské doly) in relation to acquisition of the German power and mining company MIBRAG. Further details concerning the transaction will not be released.

In this manner, the CEZ company will acquire the exclusive rights to a project of the construction of the new coal-fired power plant (KW Profen) with an installed output of approximately 600 MW. The location intended for the construction of the energy resource fulfils requirements for a construction of a large supercritical coal-fired unit: it is situated on the edge of a mine, the geological conditions are compliant, there is a sufficient quantity of cooling water near the location and lead-out of the output to the transmission network system is secured. The new resource in Profen location will enable further development of mining activity on the part of the MIBRAG company. The proved reserves amount to approximately 530 million tons of coal with a significant potential for further extension.

At present, CEZ is analysing a specific method of the project implementation; for this reason, further information (such as the accurate level of the installed output, the amount of investment, schedules, etc.) is not available at the moment. 

The MIBRAG company is a member company of a joint venture, in which Severočeské doly Chomutov and the J&T Group have equal ownership interests.  MIBRAG has been extracting brown coal in the Central German coal mining district near Leipzig. The company owns and operates two open coal mines Profen and United Schleenhain with total annual production of coal amounting to 19 million tons.  More information on the MIBRAG company is available on www.mibrag.de.