25. 1. 2006

CEZ´s Electricity production from renewable sources increased by 19 % and amounted to 1.45 TWh in 2005.

Total electricity production in CEZ´s renewable sources in 2005 was higher than in the year 2004. This steady increase was kept by hydro-power plants, which produced over 1.3 TWh in the twelve months of 2005. Production in wind-power plants and utilization of solar energy remained roughly at the same level. Production by biomass combustion was the only one to record a marked year-on-year decrease.

The annual balance of electricity production from renewable sources of CEZ, with exceptions, confirms the assumed order of single renewal sources utilization perspectives in the Czech Republic while use of the power potential of Czech rivers is important, wind and sun are only supplementary power sources. The utilization of biomass, which is apparently the most suitable green source, in electricity production has recorded a considerable decrease. The drop was caused by a low purchase price and difficulties in ensuring sufficient quantity of useful material for combustion. A number of inland producers of traditional biomass prefer exporting wood chips to foreign countries where they get better prices. Due to lack of wood chips, CEZ is testing also other suitable plant fuel, so called green biomass the plant in Hodonin, for example, burns, together with lignite, amaranth. In the following years CEZ Power Company is going to significantly expand the utilization of renewable sources. For that purpose, the company established a daughter company CEZ ObnovitelnĂ© zdroje (Renewable sources), which joins together all CEZ Group´s renewable sources, except for the sources that use biomass. At present CEZ Obnovitelne zdroje analyses a number of projects concerning mainly utilization of small hydro-power plants and wind energy. The largest investments in the following years will go to these types of renewable sources.

In addition, CEZ is introducing its offer of Green energy on the market. It will be available for all customers in the whole area of the Czech Republic. The product Green energy has been available to all households, enterprises or institutions that are or will become CEZ Group´s clients. Green energy is understood to mean electricity produced from renewable power sources, such as water, biomass, wind or the sun in the Czech conditions. The electricity offered as Green energy is produced mainly in renewable sources of CEZ Group. The purpose of introducing Green energy is to motivate customers to an ecological approach and support of renewable power sources utilization.

Table: Electricity production of CEZ from renewable sources - MWh




Index 2005/2004 (%)

Biomass combustion

149 163

115 337


Storage and flow hydro-power plants

1 065 040

1 333 384


 - out of that small hydro-power plants(< 10 MW)

53 917

58 153


Wind power plants




Solar energy power station




Total renewable sources

1 214 689

1 449 186


Ladislav Kriz, Press Officer, CEZ, a. s.