16. 2. 2004

Contract of a new nuclear power plant in Finland

The German-French group of companies Framatome ANP (a common enterprise of Siemens syndicate- 34%, and French state-owned holding Area-66%) was successful in a tender for a construction of a new nuclear unit in Finish Olkiluoto.


The contract of the plant with the capacity of 1600 MW (pressurised-water reactor) has a value of 3 billion EUR (100 billion CZK). The price is higher than the price of the Temelin nuclear power plant, whose capacity, however, is 400 MW higher.

The Finish power company TVO, the investor to the new nuclear plant, announced that Framatome is the favoured supplier of the fifth unit in the country. Thus the prospects of American General Electric and Russian Atomstroja have been minimized. German experience and knowledge of nuclear power supply are still demanded. The final decision on the supplier will be made this year.

Framatome will supply the reactor-part of the plant. Moreover,  Siemens entered into a supply contract for turbines in the non-nuclear part of the plant.

Finland decided to build a new nuclear plant due to the lack of other sources. The attitude of society to nuclear energy is very favourable today, and it has changed a lot during the past years as the other alternatives of power production have appeared to be less feasible. What points to that is the fact that the Finish Parliament, including Green Party, have almost unanimously approved the decision to build a disposal site of radioactive waste. Local councils have also declared for the construction.

The new nuclear power plant in Finland has been the first project within EU after 13 years advertised by French EdF. Two Civaux reactors were linked to the net in 1999. The last Siemens reactor was put into operation in 2000 in Brazil. The Gramatome company built two 900MW reactors in 2002/3 in China.