22. 5. 2008

Daniel Benes has become a First Vice-Chairman of CEZ’s Board

Yesterday's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of CEZ Power Company approved an extension of the number of members of the Board of Directors from 5 to 6 and also established the position of the First and Second Vice-Chairman of the Board.

On its meeting after AGM, CEZ Board of Directors elected Mr. Daniel Benes its First Vice-Chairman. Mr. Tomas Pleskac has become the Second Vice-Chairman of the Board. So far, there have been two undifferentiated Vice–Chairmen in the Board. Yesterday, CEZ Supervisory Board elected Mr. Martin Novak, CFO of the company a sixth member of the Board of Directors of CEZ Power Company.

The Board of Directors of CEZ Power Company as of May 22, 2008:

Martin Roman, Chairman of the Board

Daniel Benes, First Vice - Chairman of the Board

Tomas Pleskac, Second Vice - Chairman of the Board

Zdenek Pasak, Member of the Board

Vladimir Hlavinka, Member of the Board

Martin Novak, Member of the Board