16. 8. 2024

EcoVadis Gives CEZ Group Gold Rating

CEZ Group received gold medal from the international rating company EcoVadis, for the integration of the principles of sustainability and corporate social responsibility into business and management system. Only 62 companies in the world can currently boast a gold medal in the category of energy suppliers. Increasing number of globally operating companies require rating from EcoVadis from their suppliers, as a guarantee of their sustainable approach to business.

CEZ Group continues to gradually increase its ESG rating. Most recent accomplishment comes from the international rating company EcoVadis, whose certification is one of the world’s most comprehensive sustainability evaluation tools. CEZ Group has earned a gold medal, which is awarded to the top 5% of companies, for sustainability awareness.

“Many companies from the CEZ Group operate as technology and service suppliers for major global players. A rating from EcoVadis is a requirement that we increasingly encounter as a condition for being included in the supplier chain of these corporations. Earning a gold medal the first time we participated is a tremendous success that opens doors for us to the whole world. It confirms that our sustainability goals and activities have been set up correctly,” says Michaela Chaloupková, member of the Board of Directors and the Chief Sustainability Officer of ČEZ Group.

EcoVadis rates more than 90,000 companies from around the globe. In the Energy Suppliers category, 115 companies earned a bronze medal, 133 silver, 62 gold (besides the CEZ Group also EDP, ENEL, and E.ON), and 21 platinum. The rating is used primarily in supplier-client relations.

CEZ Group also does well in ESG ratings of key international agencies whose ratings are considered by major investors, banks, or insurance companies.  For example, this year, CEZ earned a B rating from CDP in the sphere focused on combating climate change, which means an improvement by two places as compared to 2021. With MSCI, CEZ Group retained the AA level last year, while Morningstar Sustainalytics moved CEZ up by 7.6 points, to a higher category. According to the CSR Hub, which compiles rating of nearly 37,000 companies from dozens of agencies into a single final indicator, CEZ ranked in the top ten percent of the world’s best-rated companies this summer.