10. 6. 2004

Eurobond issue

On June 8, 2004, CEZ, a. s. successfully issued, through CEZ Finance BV, Eurobonds in the amount of 400 million EUR mature in 7 years with a coupon in the amount of 4.625 %.

The main issue manager was BNP Paribas and Merrill Lynch Bank, Erste Bank was a senior co-lead manager and Bayerische Landesbank was a co-lead manager.

The Eurobonds have been admitted on the Stock Exchange in Luxembourg. They have been given BBB+ rating by the rating agency S&P and Baa1 by Moody´s.

The yield will be used for a debt re-financing and other general needs of the company.

Ladislav Kriz, Press Officer, CEZ, a. s.