3. 4. 2000

Hot Tests at Temelin NPP Completed

On Sunday 2nd April 2000 in the afternoon, hot tests of the first unit at Temelin nuclear power plant were completed after 37 days of duration by the final cooling of the primary circuit. The tests were one of the most important parts of NPP non-active start-up. The tests verified the functionality of devices at operating parameters (temperature of water in the primary circuit 300°C, pressure 15.7Mpa) without the fuel charged in the reactor.


On Sunday 2nd April 2000 in the afternoon, hot tests of the first unit at Temelin nuclear power plant were completed after 37 days of duration by the final cooling of the primary circuit. The tests were one of the most important parts of NPP non-active start-up. The tests verified the functionality of devices at operating parameters (temperature of water in the primary circuit 300°C, pressure 15.7Mpa) without the fuel charged in the reactor.

"Hot tests showed us in practice how the primary circuit devices would behave under operation. From this point of view, the tests can be assessed as successful. In about mid-April we will receive from the general contractor of technology a detailed assessment of hot tests. Already now, however, we can say that anything as prescribed by the program of hot tests has been carried out, that is why tests were discontinued and the primary circuit devices cooled down. About 250 main tests were carried out on the devices during hot tests. Currently, we are in a short transitory period during which necessary input conditions are being provided for to start a three-month period of revision of devices," summarized the progress of hot tests Mr. Frantisek Heczko, Deputy Director for Start-up.

"Apart from compliance with all license requirements, CEZ will also demonstrate, based on results of hot tests and planned works during the revision, that devices are prepared for the fuel to be charged in the reactor. We highly appreciate that no emergency or injury at work occurred during hot tests when devices were working at operating parameters. Also from this point of view, tests can be assessed as successful," concluded Mr. Milan Nebesar, NPP Press Spokesman.


Milan Nebesar, Temelin NPP, Press Spokesman