24. 11. 2009

Inspectors of the Commission of the European Communities in CEZ

This morning inspectors of the Commission of the European Communities arrived at the head office of CEZ Group in Prague and at the seat of Severočeské doly, a member company of CEZ Group. They presented the companies’ representatives the Commission’s decision ordering them to submit to the inspections under art. 20 (4) of Regulation 1/2003, and initiated the inspection forthwith.

As the reasons for the inspection, the European Commission stated that it had been informed that CEZ Group might have attempted to restrict development of the competition on the wholesale electricity market. In the concrete, the statement of the reasons mentions that CEZ Group might create obstacles for power plant projects of their competitors, that it might be involved in limitation of the trade in brown coal, and that it might influence the prices on the Czech wholesale electricity market.

We consider the inspection to be a logical consequence of the growth of CEZ Group which has currently been one of the largest European power engineering companies so is subject to the inspections as strict as the ones underwent by these companies. For instance, in 2006 the European Commission inspected 20 power engineering companies in 6 countries in this manner; in March 2009 it conducted a thorough inspection in EdF in France.

We believe that all the steps we make on the electricity market comply with all legal regulations, rules and good manners. Considering that the European Commission itself designated the Czech market as the most open in the EU, we believe that the inspection will arrive at the same conclusion.

Thus in this sense we welcome the inspection as an opportunity to dissipate the speculations spread by the competitors and the companies with whom we have a long-term business disputes. We presume that it is their information that inspired the Commission’s inspection and that this information will be checked up.

CEZ Group provides the inspectors with maximum cooperation.