26. 11. 2004

International economic results of CEZ Group January - September 2004

The net profit of CEZ Group increased by 67 per cent

CEZ Group reached, according to IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), net profit of CZK 10.2 bn, when the profit reached in the same period last year was CZK 6.1 bn.   The sharp profit increase was caused mainly by enlargement of CEZ Group consolidated companies from the second quarter of 2003, and very good operational results. The operating revenues increased by 26 % to CZK 73.1 bn, the operating expenses rose by 19 % to CZK 57.9 bn. The operating income reached the amount of CZK 15.1 bn and was 63 per cent higher than last year.  

CEZ Group consisted of 100 companies, out of which 31 were consolidated as of September 30, 2004.

Further information on www.cez.cz  (for investors)


Ladislav Kriz, Press Officer, CEZ, a. s.