8. 2. 2007

Josef Hejsek has been appointed as country manager of CEZ Group in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In context with CEZ Group´s foreign expansion in Central and South-Eastern Europe, Josef Hejsek was nominated as the country manager of CEZ Group in Bosnia and Herzegovina on February 1, 2007. He will take over responsibility for activities associated with the development of CEZ Group´s operation in both entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is the Republic of Serbia and in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"At the beginning of the new year CEZ Group changed to a new system of property shares management in its foreign subsidiary companies. All property shares of CEZ in each individual country are now managed by one team led by a country manager for the particular country. Along with the development of CEZ Group´s local activities, this system is adapted also in Bosnia and Herzegovina, said Tomas Pleskac, member of the Board of Directors and Chief Distribution Officer. His division manages CEZ Power Company´s foreign property shares.

Josef Hejsek (53) graduated in foreign trade and marketing at the University of Economics. He has come to CEZ Group from the post of Manager for trade and business development at Alstom Power, where he was responsible for sales of energy equipment to Europe and the Middle East.

In years 1996-1998, within his work for ABB (today Alstom Power), he realized aid of the European Union to the war-stricken areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Under the project he organized supplies of energy equipment to both entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He speaks fluent English, Bosnian, Russian, French and partly Norwegian and Swedish. Josef Hejsek is married, his hobbies are motorcycling, golf and skiing.

Within the frame of its foreign expansion, in December last year CEZ Group and ERS, power company of the Republic of Serbia in Bosnia and Herzegovina, signed the Agreement about investment into a new coal-fired power plant with the capacity of 600-700 MW and development of the adjacent coal mine located in the area of the present power plant Gacko. The future investment will amount to roughly 1.5bn EUR.

Within the other entity of Bosnia and Hezegovina, in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, CEZ is one of the shortlisted prospective partners for the program of renewal and construction of new power plants.

Eva Novakova, Press Officer, CEZ, a.s.