11. 11. 2009

Photovoltaic plant covering an area of ten soccer fields to produce electricity for 1 100 households

Prague, 11 November 2009 – The first big photovoltaic plant is being launched by the CEZ Group in southern Moravia. The facility situated in Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou has an installed power capacity of 3.73 MW. It will produce 3.7 million kWh annually and it will cover the consumption of 1 100 households.

In November a modern photovoltaic plant will start operating in Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou. The facility producing electricity from solar energy has an installed power capacity of 3.73 MW and it was developed in cooperation between ČEZ Obnovitelné zdroje and the department of development of renewable sources.

The municipality of Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou is situated in the southernmost part of the South Moravian Region. In terms of solar exposure, it is the most suitable location in the Czech Republic, with the highest number of sunny days. The new photovoltaic plant stretches across an area of 7 hectares and consists of over 17 thousand solar panels. The investments costs amounted to hundreds of millions Czech crowns.

The construction as such started in July. Solar panel carriers are fixed on supporting piles thrust into the ground. The size of the photovoltaic panels is ca. 1.2 x 2 meters. There is also a 6 x 630 kW transformer station on the site, The plant covers an area of nearly ten soccer fields and it is expected to produce 3.7 million kWh annually and to supply electricity approximately for 1 100 households. In its construction stage the project also provided job opportunities for people in Hrušovany.

After the plant in Hrušovany more photovoltaic plants will follow all over the territory of the Czech Republic. By the end of the year we plan to launch wind and photovoltaic plants with a total installed power capacity of over 20 MW.

Hrušovany-FVEThe installation of a source of 100% clean environment-friendly energy is in conformity with the Futur/e/motion vision, in which the CEZ Group declared its commitment to invest in new technologies which will in the future allow the production, distribution and consumption of electricity more efficiently and economically.

By launching another renewable energy source the CEZ Group is also contributing towards fulfilment of the valid obligations of the Czech Republic to the European Union, in terms of increasing the share of renewable energy sources in gross energy consumption.

On a global scale, photovoltaic plants have become the fastest expanding source of energy in this century. Their total installed power capacity in the past 8 years has increased by more than ten times. While in 2001 the installed power capacity worldwide was 1.3 GW, at the end of 2008 it was as much as 15.2 GW. Optimistic forecasts depending on how the current economic recession abates, expect the installed power capacity to reach 72 GW by 2015.

Meanwhile, the CEZ Group has also been pro-actively involved in research, development and testing of new power engineering technologies. Recently ČEZ and the company ELMARCO announced the launch of a joint project seeking to introduce economically attractive solar panels which will be the world’s first panels using nano-fibres for the production of energy. The first stage includes the testing of the panels in real-life conditions and comparison of the outputs of traditional silicon panels and the new “nano-fibre” panels based on ELMARCO technology.

Martin Schreier,

CEZ Communication Manager

The company ČEZ Obnovitelné zdroje, a member of the CEZ Group, produces hundred percent clean and environmental-friendly energy. The company has been a subsidiary of ČEZ, a.s. since 1 January 2006. The company produces green energy in 21 hydroelectric plants (from which 20 are small hydroelectric plants) and its plans include particularly wind and solar plants and the use of biomass and a biogas.


The company headquarters are based in a historical building of the small hydroelectric plant “Hučák“ in Hradec Králové, which, since last May, has also become the home of a new information centre dedicated to production of energy from renewable sources.


For more information about ČEZ Obnovitelné zdroje go to:



In the coming 15 years the CEZ Group is planning to invest up to 30 billion Czech crowns in total in the development of renewable energy sources.


For more information about production of energy from renewable source in the CEZ Group go to:
