2. 11. 2005

Renewal of CEZ´s brown-coal resources opportunity for firms in the district of Usti

CEZ Power Company, as the owner and operator of brown-coal fired plants in the district of Usti, has prepared an extensive program concerning renewal of the production platform, whose life span ends after 2010. CEZ Power Company is going to rebuild completely its coal-fired plants in Tusimice and Prunerov. Ledvice and Pocerady, the localities of the present plants, have been chosen for the new plants. CEZ is going to invest more than 100m CZK into the resources renewal.

This program opens up a unique opportunity for all who can offer use of their experience and knowledge.  The estimated time framework of the entire program also serves as a guideline for planning production capacities of enterprises in the following years.   However our company has to proceed according to law and choose suppliers who are the most economical, it is sure that tens or hundreds of firms in the district of Usti will participate in these supplies. They will be much ahead regarding, for example, delivery costs. We continue our cooperation with the regional economic chamber to be able to inform local firms about all possibilities and opportunities in time. We also want to transfer contacts and information about possibilities of local firms to the winning suppliers of large units, such as a machine room, said to that Daniel Benes, director of purchase section of CEZ.

The production resources renewal program is going to take place in 2007-2020, and will be based on production platform state estimation including the controlled run out of the platform life span and enterprise possibilities in the period. Complex renovation of Tusimice II power plant is the first project of the portfolio of resources which have been chosen for a complex renewal. It is a project scheduled for the years 2007-2010. The main activity for the months to come is choosing suppliers of key technological equipment (boiler-room, machine room, desulphurization).

Most of the current CEZ power plants date to the end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s of last century. Ten years ago they were desulphurized and modernized, which stretched out their life span by 10-15 years. Most of them will thus end their operation after 2010. A renewal of a particular plant depends mainly on the sufficient supply of coal during its entire lifetime. In case of a brand-new power plant we need coal for another 40 years from the moment of its start-up. We expect a 25 year operation in case of radical modernization with installation of new technologies, explained Jiri Borovec, Member of the Board of CEZ and director of the Production division. Due to the limited coal resources, though, the coal resources cannot be renewed on present scale. Now, our coal-fired plants have a capacity of over 6,000 MW, the prepared projects are about a volume of roughly 4,000 MW, added Borovec.

The new plants, as well as the rebuilt ones, will be equipped with modern boilers with efficiency higher than the one of the current plant. Owing to this fact and other measures the ecological parameters of the new plant will be markedly better. All emissions will be lower even in comparison with the present conditions, which fully satisfy all strict European regulations.

Ladislav Kriz, Press Officer, CEZ, a.s.