10. 5. 2005

The CEZ Group spent more than 460 million CZK on the support of research

The CEZ Group spent more than 460 million CZK on the support of research and development last year. CEZ itself invested into R&D over 197 million CZK. Nuclear Research Institute Rez a.s., which is a member of the CEZ Group, invested almost 260 million CZK. Other means were provided by regional power companies and other firms from the CEZ Group.

 "The entire CEZ Group´s massive involvement in this area illustrates our long-term emphasis on scientific research, technical development and support of innovation. The means went wholly into Czech institutions," said Martin Roman, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of CEZ and added: " Our aim is to become the leader of the electricity market in Central and South-Eastern Europe, and this support is one of the means to reach this goal and to be a step ahead of our competitors." The widest engagement of CEZ belonged to the support of R&D in the area of nuclear power industry. A scheme of monitoring and evaluation of the environmental impact of the Temelin Power Plant was implemented within this area. Further, there were carried out, for example, applied research in the useful life of equipment, an expert study analysing the impact of the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant´s operation on the Jihlava River and a number of others.

CEZ financed also some research studies developed within the scheme of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Those concerned, for example, development of a study on new nuclear sources for the Czech power industry, or a research project to provide a long term useful life and increase efficiency of the Czech nuclear power plants´ operation.

Among the main activities of CEZ in the conventional power industry R&D, there was a development of a study on co-burning of biomass and coal in the Detmarovice and Chvaletice plants, application research in  a nitrogen oxide reduction in combustion products of Detmarovice, or development of a study on analysing the impact of the energo-gypsum contamination with comminutions and its suitability for cement production.

Nuclear Research Institute Rez carried out, for example, research for extension of the useful life, efficient operation and safety of WER reactors which are operated in the Czech Republic. Other projects involved new nuclear sources for power industry or research in safety and defence. The findings gained by UJV Rez are used mainly for the benefit of the CEZ Group and the State Office for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste Management, Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic, but also the Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Training, within the OECD projects. The research of UJV Rez is also applied in the production of special treatment radiopharmaceuticals.

Within the CEZ Group, Regional power companies played an indispensable role in financing R&D. Severomoravska energetika (SME), Vychodoceska energetika (VCE), Zapadoceska energetika (ZCE), Stredoceska energeticka (STE), Severoceska energetika (SCE) supported, for example, solving problems with wind power plants co-operation, grid wiring and work optimization, or research tasks in the area of dispatching control.

Ladislav Kriz, Press Officer, CEZ, a.s.