20. 3. 2006

Zdened Pasak is filling the position of the staff manager in a newly established division CEZ personalitika

Human Resources CEZ, a newly established division, will cover all personal processes within the whole CEZ Group including internal communication, and will also support inland and foreign daughter companies. Zdenek Pasak will take up his function from March 15 2006.

  CEZ is going through very dynamic development. Our ambition is to become the leader on the power market in central and south-eastern Europe. Already now are we the fastest growing Czech firm. We operate in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, we have agencies in Germany, Brussels, Slovakia, Hungary. As everything, our success depends on our staff, and therefore we need to attract the best employees who are on the market and further develop all employees of CEZ Group. Our needs are very high due to our expansion. That is why I am very delighted that we have managed to bring Zdenek Pasak over to our ranks. His experience of many years in this area will help us achieve our ambitions, said to that Martin Roman, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of CEZ.

Zdenek Pasak graduated from psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University in Prague. He has been working in human resources for more than 15 years. He started his career in international companies Hill International and Helmut Neumann International, where he worked as a Senior Consultant and later even as an international partner. In 1997 he established the company Madsen & Taylor Consulting, which was engaged in the area of personal consultancy. He managed the company, being a hundred-per-cent owner, until this year. Madsen & Taylor Consulting provided its services to international companies as well as large Czech firms, their clients being e.g. Ceska pojistovna, IBM, T-Mobile, Skoda Holding.

In February this year, Zdenek Pasak sold Madsen & Taylor Consulting to the rising AIMS Consulting CZ, through which it will be incorporated in the international association of personal consultants AIMS, and ended his entire activity in the company. AIMS (Association of International Management Search) is an international association of independent personal-consulting companies currently operating in 48 countries.

No cooperation between CEZ and Madsen & Taylor Consulting is taking place at the moment. No contract based on a tender for Executive search for working positions in the Czech Republic carried out by CEZ will be concluded, although  Madsen & Taylor Consulting together with other four companies won the tender.

Zdenek Pasak (40) is married and he has a nine-year old son. He speaks English and German.

Ladislav Kriz, Press Officer, a.s.