Press releases pg. 1

Education and Recruitment
Sustainibility and ESG

CEZ project focused on employees with young children wins the Nordic Chamber of Commerce Diversity Award

The CEZ Group “We’re counting on you” project aimed at supporting employees with small children, won the Diversity Award 2023 announced this year by the Nordic Chamber of Commerce. The project, which helps working parents balance their work responsibilities with care for young children, impressed the expert jury in the competition with 17 other entries. CEZ Group has long been committed to diversity, with the aim of providing a safe and supportive environment for all employees.

27. 10. 2023

Education and Recruitment
Foreign activities

CEZ Group joins UN initiative Women’s Empowerment Principles, focusing on options for balancing work and family responsibilities

The energy company CEZ has become a signatory to a UN initiative Women’s Empowerment Principles which supports companies in creation of equal opportunities and empowering women. Joining the global initiative is another step CEZ is taking towards achieving its long-term goal of increasing the share of women in management to 30%, a goal which the Czech energy company announced in 2021. In its activities to promote equal opportunities, CEZ focuses mainly on parenthood, a time which, according to many surveys, represents a crucial period for women in their careers. In addition to several current activities, the company is preparing an adaptation programme for people returning to work after parental leave and creation of an employee group.

30. 9. 2023