Press releases pg. 16

Economics and financial news

ČEZ Earned CZK 7.3bn in Q1 2018
ČEZ’s Value Has Increased by Nearly CZK 38bn Year to Date

CEZ Group’s Net Income for Q1 2018 reached CZK 7.3bn, with EBITDA at CZK 17.5bn. The year-on-year decline by CZK 1.5bn is due to one-off revenue from the settlement agreement made with Sokolovská uhelná in 2017, and also due to lower selling prices of power generated by traditional sources and to the lower production of the Počerady steam-gas power plant due to more favorable spot prices of power and gas in 2017. CEZ Group confirmed its expected EBITDA for 2018 to range between CZK 51bn and 53bn, with the yearly Adjusted Net Income to reach CZK 12-14bn.

10. 5. 2018

Economics and financial news

Proposal of dividend from profit of 2017: CZK 33 per share

Board of Directors of power company ČEZ today decided about proposal of dividend from profit of 2017 to be presented to General Meeting of Shareholders – 22.6.2018.

26. 4. 2018

Economics and financial news

CEZ Earned CZK 19 Billion for Shareholders in 2017

In 2017, CEZ Group’s net income increased by 30% to CZK 19.0 billion, primarily due to a successful sale of MOL stock and an increase in electricity generation by nuclear power plants by 4 TWh. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) were CZK 53.9 billion. The year-on-year decrease by 7% basically conforms to the decrease of realization prices of generated electricity. The positive effects of higher electricity generation in nuclear power plants and the benefits of new RES and ESCO acquisitions were eliminated by higher costs of emission allowances for generation from traditional sources and settlement of uninvoiced electricity in 2016.

20. 3. 2018

Foreign activities
Economics and financial news

Governing Bodies of CEZ Approved Contract to Sell Its Bulgarian Assets to Inercom Bulgaria

The CEZ Supervisory Board has granted consent to the sale of the Bulgarian assets to Inercom. The package contains seven companies: CEZ Bulgaria, CEZ Elektro Bulgaria, CEZ Razpredelenie, CEZ Trade Bulgaria, CEZ ICT Bulgaria, Free Energy Project Oreshetz and Bara Group. Following interest of investors in the second half of 2016, CEZ Group started the sales process, the signing of the contract is expected in a few days. Taking into account the sales price, the Group’s fourteen-year-investments in its Bulgarian operations yielded an overall positive return. The international arbitration, which CEZ initiated against the Republic of Bulgaria in July 2016, is not affected by the transaction and ČEZ continues to proceed with it.

22. 2. 2018