Press releases pg. 21

Economics and financial news
Foreign activities

CEZ entered into settlement agreement with Albania: it will end the Dispute and it will recover almost CZK 3 bn

In Vienna CEZ signed a settlement agreement with Albanian counterparty under supervision of Energy Community Secretariat. According to the agreement CEZ, after fulfillment of conditions precedent, will get in annual installments EUR 100 m in total, i.e. the amount similar to initial investment into purchase of Albanian distribution company. Conditions for ending of arbitrage are part of the agreement.

24. 6. 2014

Economics and financial news

CEZ Group Earned Nearly CZK 10 bn in Q1 2014

In the first quarter of 2014, the CEZ Group recorded a Net Profit of CZK 9.9 bn, with its Operating Profit Before Depreciation (EBITDA) at CZK 21.2 bn and Operating Cash Flow at CZK 15.6 bn; this was 5% less than in Q1 2013. These results reflect the deteriorating business conditions in the energy sector, lower electricity wholesale prices and the stagnating European economy. The year-on-year profit was also affected by the above-average temperatures and below-average precipitation in Q1 2014, combined with the extraordinary revenues posted in Q1 2013.

13. 5. 2014

Economics and financial news

CEZ will propose to the General Meeting: gross dividend 40 CZK per share

At today´s meeting the Board of Directors of the power company CEZ decided on date of General Meeting of Shareholders and on proposal of the sum of the dividend from the last year’s profit to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Directors will propose a gross dividend amounting to CZK 40 per share (nominal value CZK 100), the same as last year. General meeting of Shareholders will take place on 27 June 2014.

22. 4. 2014

Economics and financial news

CEZ Group’s 2013 Net Profit at CZK 35.2 bn

The CEZ Group has exceeded the originally estimated results for 2013. Operating Profit Before Tax (EBITDA) decreased by 4.4% year on year to CZK 82.1 bn, exceeding the expected value by CZK 1.1 bn. Its Net Profit declined by 12.3% year on year to CZK 35.2 bn (CZK 0.2 bn above the expectations). The main factor behind the year-on-year decline is a major drop of the wholesale prices of electricity due to massive subsidies going into renewable energy sources, combined with a stagnating European economy and ongoing uncertainty concerning the regulatory environment in the energy sector. In 2014, the CEZ Group expects its EBITDA to reach CZK 70.5 bn and its Net Profit approximately at CZK 27.5 bn.

27. 2. 2014