Press releases pg. 11

Environment and renewable resources
Nuclear power plants
Power plants

All the way to the bottom of a nuclear reactor or to the top of a wind power plant! Energy fans can visit ČEZ power plants online for the first time

Restrictions in the fight against the coronavirus do not mean a red light to visitors to our power-generation operations, at least not for virtual tours. ČEZ info centre guides, who scored so high in December with some 1,700 school children and students with online tours of our power plants, will now unlock the secrets of power generation to the general public. As of 9 January, an absolute novelty awaits anyone interested: an online trip to the world of energy. “On a virtual visit to a power plant”, they can learn interesting details about each type of power plant, get to see places that are not normally accessible, and can compete for prizes. Of course, our online excursions for middle schools and high schools carry on.

5. 1. 2021

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities
Nuclear power plants
Power plants


Rolls-Royce and CEZ have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore the potential for compact nuclear power stations, known as small modular reactors (SMR), to be built in the Czech Republic.

9. 11. 2020

Nuclear power plants

ČEZ obtained a permit for further operation of Temelín

ČEZ received a permit from the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) for further operation of Unit 1 of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. The operation permit is subject to regular ten-year cycles, during which Czech nuclear power plants must demonstrate that they meet all the conditions related to their safe operation. The documentation handed over alone contained 163,000 pages of professional documents.

24. 9. 2020

Nuclear power plants

Temelín's Unit 2 restored production of electricity

On Sunday afternoon, Unit 2 of Temelín NPP started to produce electricity again. The operators shut it down as planned for refueling on June 12. The outage lasted 58 days and, during it, the technicians replaced a quarter of the fuel, checked the safety systems, and mastered 55 investment actions. Together with the Dukovany power plant, all six nuclear units are currently in operation.

10. 8. 2020