Press releases pg. 13

Nuclear power plants

Temelín´s Unit 2 restored production of electricity

At the weekend, Unit 2 of Temelín NPP started to produce electricity again. It has been shut down for refueling of from June 21. The outage lasted 50 days and, during it, the technicians replaced a quarter of the fuel, checked the safety systems and mastered over sixty various modernizations. The overall outage schedule included over 13 thousand activities. In the first halve of the week the Unit will achieve the full power. The Temelín's Unit 2 outage will be closely followed by Dukovany NPP Unit 1 outage. It starts on Friday, August 16.

12. 8. 2019

Nuclear power plants

Power engineers will check the Dukovany steam generator using a special manipulator

Yesterday afternoon, Dukovany technicians brought special equipment from their colleagues from Temelín. Its task will be to perform complete diagnostics of a minor leak on one of the steam generators at the second production unit. Thanks to its unique properties, the device is able to provide a detailed status of the monitored material. The experts will then use the information to prepare the follow-up work. The checks will be extremely detailed and will take several days. As a result, the start-up of the unit will be postponed probably to the beginning of September. But all will very much depend on the positive results of the repair.

6. 8. 2019

Nuclear power plants

Temelín's Unit 1 restored the electricity production

Today At 3:04 p.m., Unit 1 of Temelín started to generate electricity again. The unit was as planned shut down for planned refueling since March 1. The shutdown lasted for 59 days and the power plant replaced, for example, almost one third of the fuel, checked the safety systems and carried out dozens of upgrades during this period. All in all, the outage schedule included almost 15,000 activities. Before achieving full power, the plant's technicians have to perform tests at 80 per cent of rated reactor power.

29. 4. 2019

Nuclear power plants

Refueling will start at Temelín. Six fuel assemblies made by Westinghouse Electric Sweden will be tested

Temelín's technicians will load exactly 163 fuel assemblies into the reactor of the shutdown Unit 1. This will include six test fuel assemblies of Westinghouse Electric Sweden. The power plant is going to test them in the upcoming years.

4. 4. 2019