Press releases pg. 10


CEZ has expressed interest in modernization of plant in Romanian Galati

A tender for a strategic partner in the present plant modernization project and potentially for construction of new resources in the locality has been announced by the state-owned energy company Termoelectrica, which operates thermal power plants in Romania. CEZ Power Company has today submitted documents confirming fulfillment of entry conditions for the tender under its pre-qualifying round and expressed an interest in this project.

28. 6. 2007


New director of CEZ Resources construction and development section

Peter Bodnar has become director of the new section Resources construction and development. Acting as the director, he is responsible for the preparation and realization of the programme of CEZ´s domestic and foreign production resources renewal.

25. 6. 2007


CEZ has already bougth more than 2 per cent of its treasury stocks

CEZ Power Company yesterday exceeded the 2 per cent limit within its ordinary share buyback. Until today, CEZ has bought back 11,988,574 of its shares, which represents 2.02 % of the total volume. This number of shares was bought back within 38 trading days. CEZ has been buying back its shares according to the decision of the general meeting on April 23, 2007. which, among others, passed a resolution to acquire up to 10 per cent of the company´s treasury stocks. The buy back started on April 30, 2007.

22. 6. 2007


CEZ is going to invest into greenhouse gas emission reductions in Moldova

CEZ Power Company and the Moldovanian firm Biogas Inter have today entered into a tentative agreement about buyout of emissions reductions achieved through using methane gas from the Moldovanian capital´s (Kishinev) urban waste dump. The tentative agreement was signed on the occasion of the visit by the Moldovanian delegation to Visegrad Four´s meeting in the presence of Moldovanian president.

25. 5. 2007