Press releases pg. 33


Four companies shared the capacity of the virtual power plant

The winning prices for single units are from 14.6 % to 15.1 % higher than this year´s wholesale electricity prices. The resulting average electricity price from the auction of the virtual power plant for 2006 so reached +14.82 % compared to the current price.

9. 8. 2005


High demand for CEZ´s electricity from the virtual power plant

The first round of the auction, where prospective buyers bid for power-station capacity of CEZ with the total output of 400 MW, reduced to 240 MW in summer months, took place today. The obligation to offer this capacity was imposed on CEZ by the Office of Fair Trading (UOHS) this March, when it allowed CEZ to keep its majority share in the fifth distribution company

3. 8. 2005


The net profit of CEZ (non-consolidated) in the first half of this year more than doubled to 10.9 billion CZK

CEZ Power Company reached a net profit of 10,896 billion CZK in the first half of the year, which was a year-on-year increase of 111 per cent. Besides improving operation results, the increase in profit was mainly influenced by dividend acceptance from daughter companies amounting roughly 4 billion CZK. The trend of growing economic results of CEZ and the Group continues this year as well. The operating profit was 10.931 million CZK and was 58 percent up on last year. The company managed to reduce its costs by over 1.3 billion CZK while incomes increased by 2.7 billion CZK.

1. 8. 2005


CEZ is the largest firm of the new EU member countries according to market capitalization, and is on the third place in Central Europe

Yesterday record stock price (535.30 CZK) moved CEZ to the third place in listed companies by market capitalization in Central Europe (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria). Due to the market capitalization of 10.5 billion EUR, CEZ also gained number one position among the companies whose stocks are traded on the Prague security exchange.

28. 7. 2005