Press releases pg. 52


CEZ power company has become a majority owner of Škoda Praha

Ever since last week, Škoda Praha has had a new majority shareholder - the CEZ power company. This resulted from the decision of the Prague Municipal Court, passed on 14 January, which officially sanctioned the pertinent changes in the companies register that had already been approved by the company shareholders.

21. 1. 2004


CEZ has closed the balance of its flood-inflicted damages

Total cost of damages incurred - 766 million CZK

7. 1. 2004


CEZ power company is allowed to "court" Bulgarian regional distribution companies

On Friday, 19.12.2003, in the late afternoon, the Bulgarian Privatisation Agency confirmed in writing that CEZ power company had met all relevant criteria and thereby qualified for partaking in the privatisation of Bulgarian regional distribution companies.

22. 12. 2003


The first unit of the Orlik power plant re-launched for the first time since last year´s floods

The first out of four units of the Orlik hydropower plant was put into controlled operation, following over a year of inactivity. Most of the hydropower plants of the Vltava Cascade had to be put out of operation after last year´s devastating floods, and Orlik and Stechovice plants were the most seriously damaged ones. The Orlik powerhouse therefore had to go through a complex overhaul. After 16 months of a forced inactivity, the largest and most significant power plant of the Vltava Cascade began generating electricity again (output of 4 x 91 MW) .

19. 12. 2003