Press releases pg. 4

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities

CEZ Group is the first Czech company to join the global UN initiative CEO Water Mandate for reducing consumption

CEZ Group is the first Czech company to join the CEO Water Mandate, a special initiative of the UN Secretary General and the Global Compact corporate platform. With membership in the initiative, CEZ owns up to a commitment to address water protection in a comprehensive manner, in cooperation with the United Nations, national governments, civic initiatives, and others. The participating companies undertake to introduce effective water-management measures and to share examples of best practice in water protection and consumption reduction. Other European utilities companies such as Enel, Engie, E.ON, and Iberdrola have also joined the initiative. By joining, CEZ will step up the water-saving measures with which it has reduced the consumption of drinking water in its classic power plants by two-thirds in the last 10 years.

22. 3. 2023

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities
Products and services

Terminal in Netherlands, LNG in United States and Asia and More: ČEZ Trading Has Started to Operate in a Number of New Markets to Strengthen Energy Security

The most important strategic task for the ČEZ Group’s Trading Department last year was to acquire capacity at the first ever LNG terminal opened in the EU after the start of the war in Ukraine. The next task was to obtain a sufficient quantity of liquefied natural gas at an acceptable price. But these were far from the only goals. To strengthen energy security, ČEZ traders have ventured into other markets and started trading completely new products. They have also discovered a number of opportunities that they have been able to turn into excellent business results.

14. 3. 2023

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities

Expanding strategic partnership: EIB provides further EUR 50 million to the Czech fund Inven Capital to support investments into climate-friendly start-ups

• The European Investment Bank (EIB) has committed another EUR 50 million to co-investments with the Czech Inven Capital fund, expanding their strategic partnership that started six years ago. • EIB’s co-investment aims to leverage Inven’s market access and expertise to deploy EIB funding in smaller innovative companies and support tech solutions that can contribute to a reduction in CO2 emissions. • The project will ease financial constraints for SMEs and Mid-Caps and contribute to EIB´s research, innovation, digital, climate action and environmental sustainability policy objectives. • The total assets value under management of Inven capital has now reached over EUR 500 million.

8. 2. 2023

Foreign activities

The first ship carrying LNG for the Czech Republic reaches Eemshaven, the Netherlands

The first LNG terminal put into operation in Europe since the start of the war in Ukraine is gradually switching to full operation. After the opening ceremony on 8 September, and the arrival of the tanker Murex with the initial cargo, the first ship with a cargo of liquified gas for ČEZ reaches Eemshaven – the tanker Gaslog Georgetown, coming from the United States.

20. 9. 2022