Press releases pg. 107

Foreign activities

Czech Power company CEZ, Turkish company Akenerji and its parent company Akkök will create a consortium

The consortium intends to bid for the Turkish Electricity Distribution Privatization Tender which includes two distribution companies - Sedas and Bedas. A submission of the binding bids is scheduled to take place on 10th June, 2008.

4. 6. 2008

Personal information

Daniel Benes has become a First Vice-Chairman of CEZ’s Board

Yesterday's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of CEZ Power Company approved an extension of the number of members of the Board of Directors from 5 to 6 and also established the position of the First and Second Vice-Chairman of the Board.

22. 5. 2008

Personal information

Martin Novak will become a new member of CEZ Board of Directors

CEZ Supervisory Board has today elected Mr. Martin Novak, CFO of the company a sixth member of the Board of Directors of CEZ Power Company. Extension of the number of members of the Board of Director has been approved by Annual General Meeting of Shareholders taking place today.

21. 5. 2008

Economics and financial news

CEZ completed buyback of its stocks

CEZ Power Company today completed a buyback of its stocks under so called „Share buy back program“. Until today, CEZ has bought 58 132 355 its own shares, which represents 9,816 % of the total volume. As CEZ had owned a part of the shares already before the program was commenced, it currently has a total of 9,998 % of its own shares on its account. CEZ was buying back its shares according to the decision of the general meeting on April 23, 2007, which, among others, passed a resolution to acquire up to 10 per cent of the company’s own shares. The buy back started on April 30, 2007.

2. 5. 2008