Press releases pg. 109

Economics and financial news
Foreign activities

CEZ Group was granted a loan for general financial demands including financing of MOL shares acquisition, MOL shares acquisition has been settled today

On January 15 CEZ Group concluded a credit contract for the amount of EUR 600 mil. (app. CZK 15.8 billion) for general financial demands including acquisition of 7% share in MOL company within the concluded strategic alliance between both companies. Yesterday, on January 22, the loan has been applied and today the transaction between ČEZ and MOL has been settled.

23. 1. 2008

Foreign activities

CEZ has placed a bid for Romanian Borzesti

CEZ Power Company has today submitted an offer for construction of a new unit in the locality of Borzesti. Tender has been announced by the state-owned energy company Termoelectrica, which operates thermal power plants in Romania.

21. 1. 2008

Economics and financial news
Products and services

CEZ offers most customers cheaper electricity than its main rivals

Customers can save several hundred crowns per year. A promotional campaign aimed at challenging customers to compare competitive offers and to chose their supplier freely.

16. 1. 2008

Foreign activities

CEZ has placed a bid for Romanian Galati

CEZ Power Company has today submitted an offer for modernization of plant in Romanian Galati. A tender for a strategic partner in the present plant modernization project and potentially for construction of a new unit in the locality has been announced by the state-owned energy company Termoelectrica, which operates thermal power plants in Romania.

14. 1. 2008