Press releases pg. 112

Foreign activities

CEZ has consolidated its distribution companies in Bulgaria

With effect from November 2, 2007, three Bulgarian distribution companies of CEZ Group were consolidated into one. EDC Pleven and EDC Sofia oblast ceased to exist on that day and they were consolidated into EDC Stolichno. Thus, Bulgaria went through a process similar to the one domestic distribution companies underwent three years ago.

7. 11. 2007

Personal information

Changes in management of CEZ Distribuce, a.s. Josef Holub - new CEO of CEZ Distribuce from January 1, 2008

Decin – Josef Holub (*1951) will become new CEO of CEZ Distribuce, a.s. from January 1, 2008, He will replace Jiri Kudrnac (*1965), who will become director of the division CEZ distribuce, a.s. on the same day.

5. 11. 2007

Economics and financial news
Power plants
Foreign activities

CEZ performed re-financing of Elcho power plant company

CEZ power engineering company performed as of 31. 10. 2007 re-financing of the Polish Elcho power plant company to bring it in a better accordance with the long-term financial strategy of the CEZ Group and also to support the synergic effects in the form of financing costs savings.

1. 11. 2007

Foreign activities

CEZ has placed a bid in the tender for a partner in Romanian nuclear plant Cernavoda

Today, CEZ Power Company has submitted an offer in a tender to participate in the building and operating of nuclear reactors 3 and 4 at Romania's nuclear power plant Cernavoda.

25. 10. 2007