Press releases pg. 115

Products and services

CEZ Group´s customers will have possibility to choose from two new products – Kvartal (Quarter) and Mesic (Month) in addition to three current product lines

CEZ Group has prepared another changes in its product offer for household end customers for next year. The goal of these changes is only one, to give households and enterprises a possibility to choose services and establish prices according to their needs and requests. At the same time, CEZ has published a price list of generation of electricity for househoulds and enterprises for next year. The year-on-year increase in the price of electricity generation was 14.4%. The generation of electricity accounts for roughly 50 per cent of households´ bills for electricity supplies. CEZ Prodej has derived prices for end customers directly from August prices on the Prague Stock Exchange. The overall increase in households´payments for electricity for next year will be known after the publication of the regulated parts of the price by ERU and the final version of taxes for next year.

20. 9. 2007


CEZ welcomes publication of third liberalisation package of EU energy law

The European Commission has today published a third liberalisation package of energy regulations. It represents a proposal for an amendment of the Regulation on common rules for the internal market in electricity, Directive on conditions for access to the network for cross-border electricity trade and proposal of a new Directive on constitution of a European Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulatory Offices. CEZ supports adoption of the package and hopes that it will be primarily the endeavour to improve the interconnection among member states that will contribute to the completion of a single European energy market without any pointless barriers.

19. 9. 2007

Power plants

CEZ is taking interest in construction of hydro power plant in Macedonia

A tender for a construction licence for a dam and Boshkov Most 68 MW hydro power plant has been announced by the Ministry of Economy of Macedonia. Boshkov Most hydro power plant is to be built in the west of Macedonia near the city of Debar and on the river Mala Reka. The dam will be a part of the cascade with two lower situated plants, Radika and Spilje.

3. 9. 2007

Foreign activities

CEZ Group Is Interested in Heat Distribution in Poland

Today, the CEZ Ciepło Polska Sp. z o.o. Company submitted a bid for bankruptcy assets of PEC Katowice, a heat distribution company.

30. 8. 2007