Press releases pg. 123


Members of the CEZ management will carry out part of their options

Five members of the management announced the CEZ Company that they will carry out part of their options awarded within the CEZ share motivation programme. In case of all current members of the executive board it is just a little (at most 25%) part of shares, to which they are entitled according to the option contracts.

2. 1. 2007


CEZ Group´s structure in Bulgaria will approximate to funcioning of CEZ in the Czech Republic

Lubos Pavlas will be the new general director of CEZ Bulgaria and country manager of CEZ Group for Bulgaria from New Year´s Day

13. 12. 2006


CEZ invests into multilateral Carbon Credit Fund (MCCF) administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank

CEZ power company entered, through its public declaration, into obligation to invest into reductions of CO2 emissions independetly as well as in a new way, through specialized funds and isntitutions, such as, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. One of the first steps is the commitment to put up to 10m euro, but minimally 5m euro, into the carbon fund of MCFF. The investment will go to Joint Implementation (JI) projects and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in the countries where the EBDR is active.

13. 12. 2006


New Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CEZ Power Company

On today's meeting, CEZ, a. s. Supervisory Board has acknowledged the resignation of the present Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Mr. Zdenek HrubĂ˝.

13. 12. 2006