Press releases pg. 136


CEZ has entered the tender for the Macedonian distribution company AD ESM

CEZ Power Company has officially stated an interest in entering the privatization tender for the only Macedonian electricity distributor AD ESM.

23. 12. 2005


State-owned shares in Severoceske doly transferred to CEZ

Today, 55.792 per cent of shares in Severoceske doly owned by FNM CZ (National Property Fund) have been transferred to CEZ and the whole transaction has been settled. CEZ has increased its present 37.31% share in this company to 93.102 % by this step. The purchase price was 9,046m CZK.

20. 12. 2005


CEZ has submitted a binding offer for the majority share in Polish power companies ELCHO and Skawina

CEZ Power Company has submitted a binding offer to the American independent power producer PSEG Global L.L.C. to acquire its majority shares in the power companies of Elektrociepłownia Chorzów Elcho Sp. z o.o., and Elektrownia Skawina S.A.

9. 12. 2005


CEZ Group net income surpassed 14bn CZK and rose by 27 % compared to the previous year

CEZ Group consolidated economic results for 1st-3rd quarters 2005

30. 11. 2005