Press releases pg. 17

Nuclear power plants

Czech nuclear power plants announce record production

Czech nuclear power plants produced a record amount of energy in 2022. They supplied 31 TWh of electricity to the transmission network, 300,000 megawatt hours more than in the previous year. Thus, they saved approximately 22.5 million tons of carbon dioxide. The record production is the result of a series of modernizations and improvements that increased the reliability and performance of both key Czech energy sources. In 2023, CEZ expects a slightly lower production of the nucelar power plants due to very extensive investments into their planned at least 60 years of operation.

2. 1. 2023

Environment and renewable resources
Products and services
Economics and financial news

Czech Republic: EIB to finance modernisation of ČEZ's distribution grid and connection of new renewable energy sources with a record-breaking loan of €790 million

• The €790 million in financing by the EIB will help the Czech national utility company ČEZ upgrade and expand the country’s electricity distribution grid.

• The loan will promote the Czech Republic’s energy independence by enabling ČEZ to connect around 2.2 GW of new renewable energy sources.

• The financed investments will help provide a more reliable electricity supply for businesses and households across the Czech Republic.

• The operation is the biggest EIB loan for the Czech Republic signed to date.

12. 12. 2022

Environment and renewable resources
JE Temelin traffic
JE Dukovany traffic
Power plants

Czech Nuclear Power Plants Comply with International Environmental Protection Standards

The Temelin and Dukovany nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic meet the requirements of international environmental protection standards. Such is the main conclusion of a recertification audit conducted by the international company Det Norske Veritas. This prestigious ecological certificate for environmental management has been held by the Temelin power plant without interruption since 2004, and by the Dukovany plant since 2001.

12. 12. 2022

Environment and renewable resources
Nuclear power plants
Economics and financial news

Elektrárna Dukovany II, a. s., a ČEZ Group company, has received bids from three bidders for the construction of a new nuclear power source in Dukovany

Elektrárna Dukovany II, a. s. (EDU II), a wholly owned subsidiary of ČEZ, has received bids from three bidders for the construction of a new nuclear power source in Dukovany. US-Canadian Westinghouse, French EdF and Korean KHNP had until today to submit their bids. EDU II will now analyze the bids and then negotiate with the bidders. The bidders will then submit their final bids by the end of September next year.

30. 11. 2022