Press releases pg. 172


Mr David Svojitka has been appointed the CEZ executive director for finances and administration

Yesterday, the Board of Directors of CEZ Power Company appointed Mr David Svojitka the executive director for finances and administration of the company, as of October 15, 2002.

4. 10. 2002


Changes in the organisational structure of CEZ

The CEZ Board of Directors decided to establish - as of October 1, 2002 - a new "section for strategic development", in the framework of the main administration.

2. 10. 2002


The cost of CEZ-generated electricity supplied to households will decrease by at least 5 %

CEZ Power Company, following its merger with regional distribution companies, will let the households benefit from the Rainbow Electricity, which has so far been supplied only to the distribution companies. This should happen within a very short time span. The Rainbow Electricity scheme will reduce the prices of electricity supplied to households at least by 5 %.

2. 9. 2002


Signed contract between CEZ Power Company as a seller and The Ministry of Labour and Social Issues as a buyer

Yesterday, August 19, saw the conclusion of a contract between CEZ Power Company as a seller and the Czech Republic (The Ministry of Labour and Social Issues) as a buyer. The contract covered the sale of 15 % equity in CEPS, a daughter company of CEZ.

20. 8. 2002