Press releases pg. 182

JE Temelin traffic

Temelin NPP Not in Jeopardy by the Earthquake in Austria

All seismologic stations within Temelin monitoring network recorded this Tuesday, 11th July 2000, at 0450 hours local time the main tremor caused by the earthquake in Lower Austria near the village Ebreichsdorf, some 25 kilometers from Vienna. According to the analysis performed by the Institute of Physics of the Earth at the Masaryk's University in Brno, the maximal value of ground shifting at the locality of Temelin NPP was 13 micrometers for the prevailing frequency of 4Hz.

21. 7. 2000

JE Temelin traffic

Temelin nuclear power plant has already been under the international supervision for a long time

The repeated request raised by the Austrian party to inspect the nuclear safety of Temelin NPP on the international level is breaking into an open door. In Temelin NPP this request has been performed already since the spring 1990, in Dukovany 1989 even from September 1989. Commencing from 1990 twelve extensive IAEA missions of Vienna and numerous other international analytical groups visited Temelin NPP. Thousands of hours of work of the experts resulted in recommendations for improvement of NPP design.

18. 7. 2000

JE Temelin traffic

Temelin Nuclear Power Plant Starts Charging Fuel in the Reactor

On Wednesday, 5th July 2000 at 3.45 p.m., the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) permitted CEZ to charge fuel in the reactor of Unit One. "Our Office fully observed the Atomic Act and related regulations in the permitting proceedings for fuel charging in the reactor of Temelin NPP Unit One. At the moment there is nothing in Temelin NPP to prevent its starting up," commented SONS decision its chairperson Ms. Dana Drabova.

6. 7. 2000


Mr. Jaroslav Mil Becomes CEZ New Chairman and General Director

The new elected supervisory board of the power-generation company CEZ has elected today at its first meeting Ms. Milada Vlasakova to be its chairperson after resignation of Mr. Frantisek Brozik. CEZ board of directors also revoked three of its members - the Chairman Theodor Dvorak and members Stanislav Svoboda and Zdenek Duba.

4. 7. 2000