Press releases pg. 20

Nuclear power plants

The outage of Temelín's Unit 2 completed

Today, Unit 2 of Temelín NPP started to produce electricity again. Operators have connected it to the transmission system after replacing a quarter of the fuel assemblies. The power plant technicians also checked safety systems, an important internal part of the reactor or the steam turbine. They managed to perform over fifteen thousand activities during two months, including six dozen investment events. Together with the Dukovany power plant, all six nuclear units are currently in operation.

13. 9. 2022

Foreign activities

Operations launched at Europe’s first new LNG terminal since the start of the war in Ukraine, and the Czech Republic is involved. The Dutch terminal will cover up to a third of the Czech Republic’s gas consumption

The first floating LNG terminal was put into operation today at Eemshaven, the Netherlands, in the presence of representatives of the Czech and Dutch governments and ČEZ. It is the first facility of its kind launched in Europe since the start of the war in Ukraine. The LNG terminal was built and commissioned in just a few months. The facility will be able to process as many as eight billion cubic metres of gas per year. Of that, three billion are earmarked for the Czech Republic – a volume equal to approximately one-third of the country’s annual consumption. The Ministry of Industry and Trade, in cooperation with ČEZ Group, had secured in advance both the lease of a portion of the new terminal’s capacity as well as the routes for transporting the gas to the Czech Republic. At this point, the first cargo of gas is on its way from the United States. The rest of the capacity of the terminal operated by the Dutch company Gasunie will be used by Shell and Engie.

8. 9. 2022

Environment and renewable resources
Power plants

ČEZ, too, plans to save money: decreasing temperature in offices, installing heat pumps and photovoltaics, and insulating

In the upcoming heating season, ČEZ Group plans to lower the heating temperature by 2 to 4 degrees centigrade in more than a hundred of its office buildings across the Czech Republic. It estimates that this will save nearly 15% of its energy consumption. At the same time, the company carries on with its long-term programme to reduce energy intensity – investing an average of CZK 45 million a year in insulation and other energy saving measures. ČEZ plans to save at least another 15% of all energies by 2027. This is to be aided by, among other things, the installation of heat pumps and photovoltaics, or by the planned central control system for more efficient regulation of heating, cooling, and air conditioning.

18. 8. 2022

Foreign activities
Economics and financial news

CEZ Group begins withdrawal from Türkiye, signing sale of its share in AKCEZ to Torunlar Group

Today, CEZ Group signed an agreement with Torunlar Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. and with Başkent Doğalgaz Dağıtım Gayrimenkul Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. (Torunlar Group) on the sale of its 50% stake in AKCEZ Enerji A.Ş. (AKCEZ), owned in a joint venture together with the Turkish partner AKKÖK Holding A.Ş. (AKKÖK). AKCEZ comprises of three subsidiaries that deal with electricity distribution, energy sales and energy services. The transaction is subject to approval by the Turkish antitrust authority and the local energy regulator. The settlement of the transaction is also subject to having an agreement on financing.

30. 7. 2022