Press releases pg. 21

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities
Economics and financial news

U. S. Steel Košice is heading towards a more sustainable future. Košice steel mills will reduce their climate footprint with the help of ČEZ and ESCO Slovakia

Two strong brands from two neighboring countries have come together on the way to the modern emission-free energy of the future. U. S. Steel Košice, a subsidiary of the global steel giant UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION, and ČEZ, the Czech leader in the field of modern energy and decarbonization, have entered into a non-binding memorandum of cooperation to form strategic partnership until 2025 with the possibility of extension. The memorandum concerns cooperation in the field of emission-free electricity, the construction of renewable sources, energy efficiency and savings, and the development of climate-friendly innovative solutions.

29. 7. 2022

Nuclear power plants

On Friday, ČEZ will start the regular replacement of fuel assemblies at Temelín Unit 2. They will connect the outage with a range of investments.

Checks of safety systems, turbines, sixty-seven demanding investment actions, and, above all, replacing a part of fuel assemblies. These are examples of the most important works to be carried out during the planned Unit 2 outage of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. Overall, ČEZ plans to do almost thirteen thousand activities, which it had preliminarily designed for two months.

20. 7. 2022

Environment and renewable resources
Economics and financial news

CEZ Pledges to Be Carbon Neutral by 2040: Memorandum on Cooperation in Climate Protection Signed with the Czech Ministry of the Environment

The Ministry of the Environment and CEZ Group have signed a Memorandum on Cooperation in Climate Protection, the Energy Sector, and Certain Related Areas. Both parties will cooperate on comprehensive decarbonisation of all segments of the Czech economy. Furthermore, CEZ pledges to speed up achieving carbon neutrality of its operations by 10 years. The commitment undertaken as part of the Paris Agreement had originally envisaged that milestone in 2050. The Ministry will strive to support companies like CEZ in their transition to carbon neutrality, for example, by striving to simplify the permit procedure for building renewable sources of energy, in particular innovative photovoltaics and agrivoltaics.

15. 7. 2022

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities
Economics and financial news

Investors welcome validation of CEZ Group´s carbon reduction targets

The investor group engaging with CEZ Group in the framework of Climate Action 100+ (Kempen, Generali Investments, NN Investment Partners, Northern Trust Asset Management, Robeco) have welcomed the announcement (see press release) that the Science Based Target Initiative has validated the 2030 targets of the CEZ Group as being aligned with a “well below 2°C” Paris Agreement goal.

11. 7. 2022