Press releases pg. 22

Economics and financial news

State to temporarily help ČEZ to finance electricity and gas trade before winter

CEZ has signed a credit agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic for up to EUR 3 billion. This credit agreement allows CEZ to strengthen its liquidity position. It is now at a record high level, however, due to extreme changes in gas and electricity prices, it is necessary to prepare for further extraordinary growth of funds to secure trades in energy commodities in the coming months. This is another step taken by the state and CEZ to strengthen the Czech Republic’s energy security.

8. 7. 2022

Environment and renewable resources
Economics and financial news

CEZ Group 2021 Sustainability Report: CEZ reduced emissions, water consumption and waste production last year

CEZ Group continues in the trend of building a more sustainable energy sector: the company has reduced the volume of emissions, water consumption in production, energy intensity of its operations, and waste production. It has also made significant progress in the construction of charging stations for e-mobility and the supply of modern energy solutions for households and businesses. CEZ Group 2021Sustainability Report maps in detail over 200 indicators in various areas. For the first time, it includes the classification of activities according to the EU taxonomy and selected activities have been audited.

30. 6. 2022

Nuclear power plants

We are strengthening the energy security of the Czech Republic: we have signed contracts for the supply of fuel assemblies with Westinghouse and Framatome

CEZ Group concluded contracts with Westinghouse and Framatome for the supply of fuel assemblies for the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant, thus confirming an important step towards further strengthening the energy security of the Czech Republic. Both suppliers, American and French, were selected in a tender in April this year. Deliveries of assemblies for more than 10 years will begin in 2024. The value of the contract is in the order of billions of crowns.

28. 6. 2022

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities
Economics and financial news

CEZ becomes first Czech company to have climate targets validated

The CEZ Group’s plan to halve emissions from electricity production by 2030 has been endorsed by the globally recognised expert initiative SBTi. CEZ is the first Czech company to receive the official validation that the declared targets of the largest Czech energy company are in line with the Paris Agreement on limiting global warming. International verification of companies’ decarbonisation targets has become a requirement of banks, insurance companies and investment funds.

23. 6. 2022