Press releases pg. 24

Environment and renewable resources

CEZ ESCO and LIBERTY to partner in the decarbonisation of LIBERTY Ostrava

• CEZ ESCO and LIBERTY Steel Group have agreed a Declaration of Cooperation for the decarbonisation of the LIBERTY Ostrava steelworks.

• The partners will identify and develop the renewable energy resources and hydrogen technologies required for Ostrava to become a GREENSTEEL producer.

4. 5. 2022

Personal information

CEZ signs Pride Business Forum memorandum supporting the LGBT+ community

CEZ Group, whose headquarters is located on Prague's Rainbow (Duhová) Street, has signed a memorandum of the Pride Business Forum initiative, in which it commits to implementing the principles of LGBT+ diversity while creating a friendly and open work environment for all regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. The company is planning, for example, meetings between employees and representatives of the LGBT+ community, as well as training aimed at eliminating various prejudices. At the beginning of this year, CEZ Group adopted a new diversity and inclusion policy. One of the first practical steps towards a more diverse and inclusive working environment was to adjust the rights of registered partners to the level of married couples.

21. 4. 2022

Nuclear power plants

On Friday, CEZ will shut down the Temelín Unit 1 as planned. The power plant technicians will perform checks and replace a part of the fuel assemblies

Safety system checks, six dozens of investment projects, replacement of a part of fuel assemblies, or replacement of an electricity generation part. These are just examples of the most important works during the Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 planned outage. Overall, CEZ plans to conduct almost sixteen thousand planned activities for two months.

14. 4. 2022

Nuclear power plants

Americans and French will supply nuclear fuel to Temelín

The American company Westinghouse and French company Framatome have won the tender to supply nuclear fuel assemblies for the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. Deliveries will start in 2024 and continue for approximately 15 years. The contract is worth billions of crowns.

12. 4. 2022