Press releases pg. 25

Nuclear power plants

Space for Small Modular Reactors to Be Created at Temelín

CEZ has set aside a special space at the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant site where the first small modular reactor in the Czech Republic could be built in the future. CEZ has already informed the US companies NuScale and GE Hitachi to this effect this week and today informed representatives of the South Bohemian Region and representatives of another US company, Holtec International. CEZ has signed a cooperation agreement with these companies and also with other companies developing small modular reactors, in which many power engineers have high hopes for the future. The allocated space does not limit the potential construction of two more standard nuclear units.

31. 3. 2022

Economics and financial news

International Agencies Increase ČEZ’s ESG Rating

Major international agencies focused on the ESG rating of corporations have increased ČEZ Group’s rating by several percentage points. The company’s rating has improved, for example, with the world’s largest ESG rating provider MSCI, the US financial company S&P Global, and with the Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS). Last May, ČEZ Group announced its goal to be among the best 20% of companies in the energy sector in terms of sustainability rating.

31. 3. 2022

Environment and renewable resources


Electromobility is developing rapidly, and it is necessary to actively grasp all the opportunities it offers. The growing need for conceptual development in this area has led major industry players to establish the Electromobile Platform. The founding members are ČEZ, ŠKODA AUTO, PRE, E.ON, and the academic sector is represented by ČVUT.

30. 3. 2022

Nuclear power plants

ČEZ launches a tender for the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Dukovany

Today, ČEZ, or its wholly-owned subsidiary Elektrárna Dukovany II, launched a tender for the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Dukovany. The Ministry of Industry and Trade gave its approval for this step after the safety units assessed the documents from the previous phase, i.e. the incorporation of safety requirements into the tender documentation, and completed the safety assessment of all three bidders. These are Westinghouse from the USA, EdF from France, and the Korean company KHNP.

17. 3. 2022